Løkke: Eftertiden vil dømme os

TALE: En ny rejse starter med de nye FN-mål, sagde statsminister Lars Løkke Rasmussen (V) i sin åbningstale i New York, hvor FN vedtog nye bæredygtigshedsmål. Og målene forpligter alle, og Danmark vil yde sin del, lød det fra Løkke.

Der var store ord fra statsminister Lars Løkke Rasmussen (V), da han holdt sin åbningstale til FN-topmødet i New York.

Her vedtog verdensledere i dag, 25. september, de nye såkaldte bæredygtighedsmål.

”Den nye dagsorden har lagt vores vision for, hvor vi mener, at verdens skal være i 2030. Historien vil dømme os – og holde os ansvarlige for at opnå de her mål, som vi skylder vores børn. Og deres børn,” sagde statsministeren foran Generalforsamlingen, som Danmark med Mogens Lykketoft i spidsen har formandskabet for.

De nye mål skal erstatte FN's fattigdomsmål, der udløber i år. Der er i alt 17 mål i bæredygtighedsmålene, der blandt andet handler om at udrydde fattigdom og sult.

Lars Løkke Rasmussen fremhævede Danmark som et godt eksempel for resten af verden, som ifølge ham kan lære af Danmarks tiltag mod klimaændringer, kamp for kvinders rettigheder og bidrag til udviklingslande.

Han fremhævede, at Danmark siden 1978 har mødt FN's mål om, at alle lande skal give 0,7 procent af BNI i udviklingsbistand.

”Jeg opfordrer stærkt flere lande til at møde det mål,” sagde Lars Løkke Rasmussen.

Kl. 11.45 (amerikansk tid) slog Lars Løkke Rasmussen med hammeren og erklærede de nye bæredygtighedsmål for vedtaget.

Læs hele talen her:

Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, Excellences, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is my honour – together with His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, the president of the republic of Uganda – to welcome you all to this historic Summit for the adoption of the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The presence of so many leaders is a testament to the importance and transformative potential of this new agenda.

When world leaders came together here in New York, 15 years ago, they came with one pivotal vision: To reduce poverty in the world.

But equally important, they came with concrete and ambitious goals. And they came with a fixed deadline.

15 years later, we are gathered again here in New York. What has happened in those 15 years?

The short answer is: A lot.

One billion people have been lifted out of extreme poverty.

More girls than ever before go to school.

More than 90 per cent of the global population now has access to an improved source of drinking water.

The mortality rate of children under five has declined by more than half.

These are not just numbers.

Behind each of these figures, we know that the lives of millions – of millions of children – have improved.

* * *

We have come a long way.

The Millennium Development Goals showed us that setting targets works.

That working together is the right way forward.

But the work is not done yet.

Today we begin a new journey. A journey that builds on the success of the Millennium Development Goals. But it also goes much further.

* * *

We are gathered today to adopt the Sustainable Development Goals.

Today, each of us not only commits our nation to new farsighted visions.

But also to new concrete and realistic goals. And a fixed deadline.

Our leadership and direction is needed. We must make sure that we live up to our firm and collective commitments.

Denmark is ready to do its part.

* * *

We will continue our efforts to eradicate poverty, to create decent jobs and to increase sustainable economic growth.

Since 1978, we have met the international target of providing 0.7 pct. of GNI to official development assistance to create better lives for all.

I strongly urge many more countries to meet this goal.

Denmark strongly supports global public-private partnerships that catalyze investments in developing countries and middle income countries.

We strive to combat diseases, such as cancer and diabetes. By promoting healthy lifestyles, strengthening our health system and fostering scientific research.

We promote technologies in energy, climate change and environment that make a green transition possible – also beyond our own country.

Denmark will work for the full and equal participation of women, for their empowerment and for their human rights – and indeed for the human rights of all.

I assure you: Denmark will continue these efforts with determination.

I encourage everyone to do the same. So that 15 years from now, when world leaders will once again meet in New York, we will have met the goals we adopt here today.

* * *

The new Agenda has laid out our vision of where we believe the world should be in 2030.

History will judge us – and hold us accountable for achieving the results that we owe our children. And their children.

The Danish Presidency of the 70th General Assembly will take the lead to implement the development agenda. To make sure we turn our words into action.

With these words, I wish you all a successful Summit.

Thank you.


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