Løkke lancerer Global Grøn Vækst Forum

DOKUMENTATION: Læs her statsminister Lars Løkke Rasmussens (V) tale, hvor han annoncerer oprettelsen af Global Grøn Vækst Forum - 3GF, som skal bygge bro mellem det politiske liv og erhvervslivet.

It is my great honour to be with you today to launch the Korean-Danish Green Growth Alliance!

At a first glance Korea and Denmark may appear to have little in common: our locations on two different continents; our differences in history and cultural background spring to mind. Nevertheless, I firmly believe that Korea and Denmark is “a perfect match.”

Both our countries have been actively engaged in the global climate change agenda. I value the staunch and always highly committed support from Korea in the global climate negotiations.

I believe that our two countries very early on understood the challenge that follows from climate change, but also the economic potential in terms of fostering green growth.

Denmark was a ‘first mover’ on green growth and we have made our country a real life example of how to create economic growth without using more energy. We have launched a complete strategy on how to become independent from fossil fuels by 2050.

Korea is a ‘fast mover’ on green growth. Korea has not only managed an impressive economic transformation from one of the poorest countries in the world to the 15th largest economy. You have also set yourselves an ambitious target of reducing CO2 emissions by 30 percent by 2020, while maintaining high economic growth.

One thing that we have both understood is that ‘first movers’ and ‘fast movers’ alike cannot afford to rest on their laurels in the race to become the winners of tomorrow’s green economy.

Following my visit to Korea in March last year and my meeting with President Lee, we are now launching a wide-ranging Green Growth Alliance:

Firstly, we will coordinate our positions closely in international negotiations.

Secondly, we will actively engage in our respective international initiatives.
Denmark has – as the first donor – committed 5 million US dollars annually over three years to President Lee’s initiative, the Global Green Growth Institute. I am pleased that President Lee yesterday opened the Institute’s regional office at the Technical University of Denmark.

I also welcome that Korea is the first partner in the Danish Government initiative, the Global Green Growth Forum. President Lee and I will be meeting with the Forum’s partners later this morning.

Thirdly, we will also encourage our industries to collaborate.

The importance of private sector involvement is fundamental to the Korean-Danish Green Growth Alliance. I am pleased that more Korean-Danish commercial partnerships will be established here today and I encourage you all to explore the further possibilities that will develop under the umbrella of the Alliance.

Finally, we will bring together our researchers.
Korean and Danish research institutions are some of the world’s leading incubators for innovation in green technology and renewable energy. The Green Growth Alliance will seek to expand contacts and cooperation between research communities in Korea and Denmark.

I strongly believe that this targeted and focused bilateral collaboration will be a model for international partnerships.
Our coming together today is very much the story of the ‘perfect match.’ I am confident that our joint initiative will be to the benefit of our Korean and Danish societies and a global green agenda that has yet to reach its full potential.

I thank you for your attention.


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