About Altinget

Altinget is an independently owned public service news provider and the leading political news site in Denmark.

Altinget is the leading political news site in Denmark.

We are a privately owned, independent media organisation with a strong focus on unbiased and factual reporting.

Our team of 50 reporters in Copenhagen and Brussels cover Danish politics and the EU.

We publish online on Altinget.dk and we also produce a number of podcasts and a monthly print magazine. We host a large number of events where we bring together stakeholders trying to create more transparency in the political process.

Our main outlet are 26 niche portals aimed at professionals, each focusing on a specific political area. These are all kept behind paywalls and subscriptions constitute the main funding for our journalism.

At our front page, Altinget.dk, a dedicated team publishes two daily editions aiming at giving an overview of what is happening in Danish and European politics. They draw upon the extensive work and expertise in our team.

We also host a very lively debate among politicians and professionals. Altinget also has a number of the most high-profile political analysts writing regularly, sharing their perspective of current events.

Altinget is working very actively with robotic journalism and AI. One of our unique features is a robot which collects all questions to ministers asked by members of parliament and all the answers from the government, making the information immediately available on the Altinget website.

We also track every single piece of legislation by securing easy access to documents and linking to our journalism on each specific proposal.

Altinget maintains one of the largest databases of public figures making it easy to know who is changing jobs and when an important birthday is coming up. We publish daily and weekly calendars of events related to Danish and European politics.

Our niche portal ‘Christiansborg’ offers the most extensive overview of opinion polls available anywhere. We cooperate with the most experienced academic experts in the field in order to ensure the highest possible quality of our coverage of polls.

Altinget is a privately owned public service media with no ideological standpoint. We have no links to political parties or interest groups. In our editorial coverage, we presume the Constitution, the division of power, parliamentarism, freedom of speech without borders, equality and separation of politics and religion.

While some of our reporters are based in offices at the parliament building at Christiansborg Castle, most of our editorial, management, sales and IT staff is at Ny Kongensgade 10, a two minutes’ walk from the parliament building.

Also, we have an editorial office with two permanent correspondents in Brussels.

Editorial management:

Publisher Rasmus Nielsen

Editor-in-chief Jakob Nielsen (editor)

Assistant managing editor Kristine Korsgaard

Assistant managing editor Kristian Andersen

Assistant managing editor Maja Hagedorn Hansen

CEO Christoph Nørgaard

Altinget is part of Alrow Media which also includes:

  • Altinget Sweden – our Swedish sister media founded in 2014
  • Altinget Norway – our Norwegian sister media founded in 2022
  • Arena – our network department organising network groups for professionals
  • Mandag Morgen – an independent weekly print magazine focusing on politics, economics and leadership
  • Mandag Morgen Think Tank – a consultancy offering many different services ranging from academic reports to organising conferences 
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