Denmark's prime minister casts doubts on Margrethe Vestager's EU career  

TOP JOB: Denmark's prime minister does not necessarily support the appointment of Margrethe Vestager for five more years as Denmark's EU commissioner. 

She would like to – and the majority of Danish voters, including the voters of Venstre, Denmark's liberal party – would prefer that Margrethe Vestager (member of the Danish Social Liberal Party) could keep her position in Bruxelles, when a new EU commissioner is to be appointed next year.

The Danish prime minister, though, is not in favour.

“The government has not yet discussed, who is going to be our candidate for commissioner. We will get back to that at a later point,” prime minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen said in an interview with Altinget.

“If you look back in history, there seems to be a tradition that the parliamentary majority appoints a commissioner. I don’t know, if the Social Liberal Party is planning to become part of the majority behind the government,” prime minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen said.

That is a clear signal that the next Danish commissioner will be a member of one of the three parties in the government coalition. No matter how popular Margrethe Vestager might be in Brussels and among the Danes.   

Two-thirds of Danes want Margethe Vestager to be reappointed
A new opinion poll conducted by Norstat for Altinget shows that Liberals as well as Social Democrats like the idea of keeping Margrethe Vestager as commissioner after 2019.

According to the opinion poll, 67 percent of the 1,000 Danish respondents support Margrethe Vestager and would like her to stay in the position as commissioner. As many as 79 percent of the social democratic and liberal voters would like to keep Margrethe Vestager as commissioner after 2019.     

The appointment will take place in the autumn of 2019.

Denmark will have general elections at some point before June 2019. If there will be a change of government it will be for the next prime minister to decide who is going to be the next Danish commissioner.

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